Thursday, November 8, 2007


Well amigos, it has been a few weeks since you last heard from me.

I've traveled across the globe, been stopped by a typhoon, trapped in Taiwan and abandoned in Missoula. Okay, I never went to Missoula, but it has been a hectic couple of months.

First and Foremost:


We're Having a Fundraiser for Landmine Relief

When: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 (that's the Tuesday before Thanksgiving for you Yanks).

7;00 - 9:00 PM or as long as y'all keep drinking and donating.

Where: Peabody's Cafe
134 South Palm Canyon Drive
Palm Springs, CA 92262

Wassup: We've got free food and cheap drinks - who could ask for more than that !!

Auction: Yep, we're even gonna have an auction:

Los Angeles Laker Game Tickets - row 4
Los Angeles Clipper Game Tickets - Row 4
Autographed Elgin Baylor Basketball
Khmer scarves
Khmer tablecloths
Khmer shawls
Lots Lots More!!

And you'll get to hear me talk about the work that Aki Ra is doing in Cambodia and his vision of the future....landmine free.

Please take a couple of hours and help us save some lives.

If not us - who
If not now - when

And check out the NEW WEB SITE!

More to come...stay tuned.